6 Tips to Writing Strong Female Characters that Actually Rock: an open letter to my male allies
Creating STRONG female characters that defy sexist clichés is one of the easiest ways to write original work! A talented student of mine was working on a farcical action film.
A letter to White Artists
White supremacy on trial As you’re well aware, the horrors of police violence in the US is not a current event, but an ongoing poison and building block of our

A Poem to Filmmakers
I wrote so many scripts for years I wrote with guts and blood and tears While waiting for a prince to show Who’d read my work and quickly know –

A Tribute to my mentor, Professor Roger Duncan
One of the most magical experience in life… …is entering a space utterly unaware that you’re about to meet someone who will change the rest of your life. I had

Amy Schumer & Trainwreck – what filmmakers, critics, and my husband might miss
Amy Schumer and Vanessa Bayer in Trainwreck I only review movies I like. For example, anything Amy Schumer does. Like, Trainwreck for example 🙂 It’s on principal that I only

An Open Letter from a Female Director
Below is an open letter that I wrote in 2009 to get my first feature film off the ground. The letter went viral at the time, and resulted in my