Poems for Evan
I wrote poems this week, on our 11th anniversary: SWIMMING When the rosy fog of our honeymoon lifted with the clouds When our minds got hijacked and we couldn’t remember feeling

Script coverage, script doctors, script consultants: which, when, who, and how much
NO SCRIPT DOCTOR OR CONSULTANT KNOWS YOUR SCRIPT BETTER THAN YOu I’ll explain below the differences between script coverage, a script doctor, and a script consultant, and will offer my

The Martian: why every movie, here on, should be a remake of it
I saw The Martian this weekend, expecting that it would be entertaining because people have been saying so, and I wasn’t disappointed. But the reason that Martian blew me to

The Name of The Game
Filmed this for fun in class today. Immigrants will relate 🙂 Join my membership to receive free trainings for screenwriters and filmmakers. REQUEST FREE TRAININGS

This Year: Make It Your Resolution Not To Change A Thing
Every year, if not every day, (or every hour?) we kick ourselves for not being “better”. I should eat better, I should exercise more, I should write more, I should

What Is A Director’s Vision: Film Directing Demystified
Ida Lupino (1918-1995). Actress, singer, director, and producer. film directing works when you have a vision I don’t usually produce films I don’t direct (would love to, but time…) I