How To Give Constructive Criticism That Inspires
Constructive feedback is that thing we writers, filmmakers and all artists have a love-hate relationship with. Here’s a personal story that encapsulates my approach: When I was a 19-year-old film

How to make movies With $6
Knowing how to make movies without money is the key to your freedom Most of us are less concerned with the question of how to make movies, and more concerned

How to make videos for youtube: 8 tips that take 8 minutes to read, and fewer minutes to implement
Whether You’re Making YouTube Videos or Sending a Whatsapp Message: the Basics of Making Videos Apply. When I was growing up making YouTube videos or making videos of any kind

How to Teach Online: What Teaching Artists Need to Know
Throughout the ages, artists have made their livelihood as teaching artists. It’s satisfying because it’s meaningful work that benefits others. It also keeps us afloat while leaving us enough time

How to write a storyline that turns pages: 3 power tips to writing plots
Pictured above: still from “Tomorrow Ever After,” feature film by Ela Thier When I was newer to writing, I used to write wonderful characters and dialogue but I knew nothing

How To Write an Artist Statement: 3 recommendations
Ela Thier, photograph by Uri Thier Ever balk at the task of having to write an artist statement? Something I didn’t learn in film school is how to write an