"I used to wait for divine inspiration. Now writing is like brushing my teeth. It's a habit."
Marcella Hill
"I used to wait for divine inspiration. Now writing is like brushing my teeth. It's a habit."
Marcella Hill
We meet on zoom daily,
facilitated sessions twice weekly, year-round.
24-7 member-run collective rest of the week; work around your schedule – and mood!
as often as you’d like,
from anywhere.
I am a parent of five children; haven’t been able to write outside of the work sessions at the studio. I’m always amazed at the progress I make when working with other people.
Life, inertia, and everyday distractions have this way of sapping my resolve, commitment, and energy to keep putting in the hours needed to see a project through.
I have the work sessions in my calendar and because of that, I somehow take my writing time more seriously. I know I just need to show up, and even if I’m feeling lost/stuck/purposeless, I usually end up feeling encouraged by other creatives when we do the listening pairs. Because I show up, little steps of progress are made. Every time.
Writing alone feels like a slug fest. Work sessions with the group are different. I feel supported, somebody has my back. I’m good for the long haul and go deep. My work has a whole different quality.
I have closer relationships with people I met in the IFS Studio, than with colleagues I saw daily at work for years.
The IFS Studio gives me peace of mind because I know I will get something done. I’ve made friendships during work sessions. It’s inspiring to see people working alongside you, slowly building an actual body of work.
$19/mo when trial ends.
Cancel or pause any time. Easily.
According to research published by The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), if you have an appointment with another person, you’re 95% more likely to achieve your goal, than if you tackle the work on your own.
Work sessions have been helping not just with productivity but with a boost in self esteem for showing up. I’m inspired by the gentle accountability of this community. The money I spend on the subscription is less than I’ve spent on writing at coffee shops where I’d stare at strangers and pretend to be writing.
Work sessions have provided structure to my creative life. In the past, I would start to write rigorously and that would last a minute and a half. The regular sessions have made all the difference. I’ve found a work partner and every Saturday we do a 2-hour session and often find ourselves on a roll and going longer.
I’m an actor who has been branching out into writing, producing and directing. I’m very careful about where I spend my time.
I’ve been attending work sessions every weekday morning …and I love them. They get me in front of the computer and down to work every day. It’s amazing what comes out. I love the community, I’m getting to know people, and it feels really good. We are supporting each other’s creativity and learning from each other. I can’t thank you enough.
Yessssss. Now you’re getting it.
The IFS Studio is the perfect place and time to work through a course you’ve enrolled in.
Our work sessions will get you unstuck.
Join us just three times, and we’ll help you build a creative work practice even if you’ve never approached your writing or creative work before. Regardless of your level of experience, we got your back.
No matter how athletic you are, you don’t climb a mountain alone. You climb with a group. I use the IFS Studio myself regularly to get my own work down.
Importantly, your kickassness grows every time you motivate others to find their mojo too. Our work sessions are an exceptional opportunity to practice supporting each other.
The IFS Studio is not a class and we don’t view or discuss each others’ work. We offer the structure and format to get the work done and to meet.
As you forge relationships and connect, you’re encouraged to make arrangement with peers to meet for input. We encourage these initiatives and have had members went on to form writing group.
The 24-7 Studio is your space to curate peer-run events.
Our current schedule of facilitated work sessions:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10am-1pm.
The above times are listed in US Eastern time zone.
The studio becomes a peer-run collective when we’re not there to facilitate.
Yes! You’re bound to meet awesome people at the IFS Studio.
We set up our peer-run 24-7 studio, so you can schedule additional work sessions with other members, and work whenever you want, as long as you want.
We’ve got producers, directors, actors, filmmakers, and many other types of artists using the space to get work done.
Have an email you’ve been putting off writing because it scares you? Been needing to update your website or reel for ages? Join us to get it done!
$19/mo when trial ends.
Cancel or pause any time. Easily.
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