Indie Films
Become the producer you’ve been looking for.
with Ela Thier
YOU’RE A WRITER …one of those shy introverts who gets a rash when you hear the word “networking”.
YOU’RE A DIRECTOR …or you would be one, if someone gave you that chance.
YOU’RE AN ACTOR …tired of booking “Cop 2” and want roles that do you justice.
YOU’RE A TRIPLE THREAT …one of those hyphenated creatives who does all of the above depending on the day.
But you still haven’t made a film! Or you tried, wasted a ton of money, and it’s collecting dust on a hard drive with an outdated cable connector.
What if…
What if you understood the steps to creating the films or shows that you’d like to create, with the resources that you already have (no using credit cards!)
What if you had the support of a community as you took those scary steps, and you didn’t go it alone?
What if you had the tools to reach audiences, and build an ever-growing, loyal fan base that follows your work and tells everyone about it?
What if you never again relied on industry gatekeepers to determine whether your work sees the light of day?
If you watch at least 20% but not more than 50% of either course, and you're not happy, ask and we'll refund you in full. No questions.
Work through the course at your pace and on your schedule. Binge watch now or take your time. Refer back to the course as many times as you need. Many alumni go through it with every production. When I get stuck, I still go back to it myself and use the exercises in my own productions.
10 units (1.5hr)
Pipe Dream to Action
25 units (4.5hr)
Your Audience
The Package
Raising Money
The Business Plan
Film Publicity
Lessons in Distribution
I end by sharing my distribution plan for my upcoming self-produced series.
The Company
Film Budgeting
Post Production
Template agreements
Blank templates
Additional resources
Meet Pallavi Rohatgi
When Pallavi joined Producing Indie Films, she had, at that point, created one short film.
Months later: Pallavi let me know that she was attending the premiere of her first feature film, Greater Elephant.
Years later? Pallavi finished shooting her third feature. Her YouTube channel, HumaraMovie, has over 1.17 million subscribers. Among many highlights, her short film, LIFT, has over 29 million views. One of her favorite shorts, the award-winning film Pressure Cooker, in which she also performs, has over 3 million views.
Procrastinations have no chance with us.
Our co-working format will keep you focused and working, but without the isolation. Even our shiest members end up with connections.
Facilitated work sessions weekly. 24-7 member run collective so you can work with peers around your schedule – and mood!
Meet with an experienced producer every month to ask questions, receive guidance, and connect with peers.
Whether you’re in the throes of post-production on an epic film, or you haven’t gotten started: we got you.
Our production coaches are trained to get you out of potholes and over any humps by offering support, connection, and encouragement when that’s what’s needed; and offering challenges and a hearty push when that’s what’s needed.
Use our private forum to share wins, goals, rely on peers and moderators for accountability, or ask questions as you work through the course.
It works like a Facebook group, but it’s not on Facebook.
If you watch at least 20% but not more than 50% of either course, and you're not happy, ask and we'll refund you in full. No questions.
Work through the course at your pace and on your schedule. Binge watch now or take your time. Refer back to the course as many times as you need. Many alumni go through it with every production. When I get stuck, I still go back to it myself and use the exercises in my own productions.
Spend 10 minutes a week (or 10 minutes a month!) with this course, and a year from now I’ll be hearing about your premiere.
You don’t have to go at an all-or-nothing pace.
These prices are per year, as of 2019. Multiply these numbers by 4 to figure out what a degree would cost.
My name is Ela Thier and I’ve wanted to make movies all my life. I can hardly believe that that’s what I actually do. None of it came by luck, and I’ve never had money or industry connections. Like, none.
My work was the result of decades of learning, trying, failing, giving up, trying again, giving up again, learning some more, making embarrassingly unwatchable films, getting better with time, and eventually arriving at producing, writing, directing, and acting in films that I’m absolutely in love with. You can find me on IMDB if you spell my name right (i before e).
In 2009 I began teaching screenwriting, but as I wisened up to the necessity of producing my work, I began to encourage and guide my students to do that same.
All these writers, actors, and directors, put those query letters down and began to their own work. The results shocked me. The initiatives taken of producing one’s own work, was ultimately the catalyst that led my students to building careers.
The course is delivered as a series of on-demand videos, organized into short, bite-size but comprehensive units so you can learn it all – fast.
The course allows you to skip around and reference the topics that are relevant to you at any given time. One person may need to learn how to budget a $300 short, while another needs a business plan template because they’re approaching investors.
Each module includes PDF cheat sheets outlining the bullet points of each lecture, and actionable exercises to get you on your way.
This course is definitely for you. I don’t use industry jargon without explaining it, I leave nothing a mystery, and I assume no prior experience.
By the time you complete the first 2 modules, you’ll be in development on your next production, even if you have no script or even no idea about what you’d like to create.
The only idea you need to get started is that you’d like to create a film.
I went to film school too. If you’re fortunate, you met a really great teacher. But in truth, everything I teach in this course is something I’ve picked up since film school. This course is the real-life stuff that you’ll need when rubber hits the road.
There have been experienced producers who have taken this course and told me that it was invaluable. The overall approach might be useful, or you might find that one tip that will be the difference between getting that investor on board or not. And of course, the community and support are alone worth the price of admission.
All that said, you have 30 days to check out the course before you make a commitment. If you work through modules 1-3 at minimum (but not more than half the course), you are free to request a full refund and receive it – no questions asked.
The lectures add up to roughly 10 hours. If you do even some of the exercises, it’s a lot more than that. And if you use the course as intended: a guide to help you throughout the process of creating your films, it will become a lifetime companion.
I’m afraid the course is available only as a whole.
If you learn even a few things about production before diving in to write a script, you’ll write material that can be 1) self-produced, and 2) reach audiences.
I’ve written many scripts before I learned to produce, and they’re still sitting on shelf. Once I learned how to think like a producer, the scripts I wrote came to life on the screen.
If you can’t afford the course, then I don’t think you should enroll. However, if you plan to spend more than $1K making a film, then I say with confidence that this course is likely to help you avoid making mistakes that might cost you thousands or more. The course will also guide you in how to successfully raise the money you need to create your films, whatever your budget is.
Then there’s bringing your talents out of the dusty closet and into the world – that part can’t be measured in dollars.
As a micro-budget producer who’s had to make pennies stretch far, I know all about putting every last dollar on the screen and nowhere else. I speak with integrity when I say that the price of this course is a fraction of its value.
I know that ten years from now I’ll look back and see this workshop as the turning point.
If I had spent 5 times more, the money would still be worth all the knowledge and resources that I received.
Even with so much information covered, it never felt overwhelming.
Without Ela and her workshops, I would not be making movies.
Not only do you teach but you empower, a much rarer thing.
I learned more about producing than I could imagine, and this is coming from someone who has produced 10-million-dollar films with Academy Award Winners.
If you had not done this, I would still be inventing excuses not to move forward. You also gave me a platform that enabled me to connect with old friends, some of whom I had not spoken to in some time, and realize that they believe in me and are willing to take concrete action to support me. My heart is full from all of the wonderful conversations I’ve been having. If you hadn’t led me down this path, I might still be ignorant of just how blessed I am. I have you to thank for helping me realize this.
I thank you for getting me back into the world of filmmaking. I thought of giving it up after working on films for the past fifteen years, never thinking it’s going to go anywhere. After taking your workshop I feel confident again. Thank you Ela!
Working on a pitch deck, this course takes the guesswork out of it so I can focus on the creative work.
I love the way you’ve laid everything out into clear manageable chunks and action steps, and that you begin at the beginning, with the soft skills. I haven’t come across this in the books I’ve read. I’m really happy I bought this course. It’s exactly what I need.
Everything is spelled out in an organized manner so that I’ll be able to easily go back and reference any of the information at any point.
A very organized overview of what it takes to produce a film, delivered in an accessible way …It demystified a lot of the complexities …that I encountered in other forums and books.
I took Ela’s Producing Workshop in November. By January I shot my first short.
Worth ten times the money I paid.
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