This course is outstanding! I learned more about directing the camera …than I did in two years of film school.
– STEVE LAINER, filmmaker

Directing The Camera had a huge impact on my creative practice. I used the techniques to produce a trailer that won a prize from Samsung and was demoed at Sundance earlier this year. I’d like to take all of your other classes.
– EULANI LABAY, filmmaker & instructor

The material was directly relevant to animation; super clear, and helpful. I was gaining a vocabulary and explanation for concepts I’d been more or less using by instinct, but now able to employ more consciously and creatively. Other concepts were completely new, yet I was able to start employing them later that day. The course was immediately helpful and fun. I’m going to watch it again before I get started on my next project.
– RICH CHAPPLE, animator

There is not enough I can say about it. I feel as if a huge burden has been lifted in regards to planning and blocking my shots… I threw all my previous sketches in the trash and blocked new scenes, in all of 20 minutes, that were more economical and visually interesting than what I had before.
– KEITH CHERNIN, sound recorder