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with Ela Thier
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the 6 day screenwriting adventure with Ela Thier - The Independent Film School

Producing indies

The 6 day no budget filmmaking adventure with Ela Thier - The Independent Film School

film directing

The anybody can do it film directing challenge with Ela Thier - The Independent Film School

Don't give up on your dreams, and don't go it alone:

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Weekly love

Tip Tuesday

On Tuesday of each week I write a short article, sharing what I know about screenwriting and filmmaking. It’s the stuff they don’t teach us in film school…

Below are a few appreciations from Tip Tuesday readers, among hundreds that I’ve received over the years. Scroll to the bottom of this page for more 🙂

Dija Henry

Inspiring, real, funny at times, and actually implementable.

Picture of Patrick Malone
I get a ton of emails every day, many I ignore, but I am always delighted when your Tip Tuesday shows up and I anxiously open it. – PATRICK MALONE
Independent Film School free membership, testimonial, Molly Russin
I have paid subscriptions that are less valuable than your Tip Tuesdays …I always learn something new – even about subjects that I thought I knew a lot about. – MOLLY RUSSIN
Independent Film School free membership, testimonial, George Wilson
Today’s tip was a deeply heartfelt message that I needed to hear, coming at just the right time. Thank you Ela. – GEORGE WILSON
Independent Film School free membership, testimonial, Kathy Petrakis
Thank you for your Tip Tuesdays – I read them every week. Unlike other emails about screenwriting or filmmaking, your tips are about humans. I still have some tips that I keep especially near to read over again… to keep repeating to myself. – KATHY PETRAKIS

there's more...?!

Yes. Lots more. But without the overwhelm. The 6-day screenwriting challenge requires just 10 minutes a day. The 6-day filmmaking challenge – also 10 minutes a day. Live events; past events that I can’t remember right now; future events that I haven’t come up with yet… One baby step at a time is how we reach our most ambitious goals.

Why is membership free?

Is there a catch?

I offer paid programs. But every free training is in-depth and complete in and of itself.

You are right to ask. And I’m all for transparency. So here goes:

I’m a teaching artist, and I offer paid programs as well. When I offer free trainings, I promote online courses for further study. My courses are bananas amazing, so I promote them with gusto. They’re the courses that I wish I had gotten to take. That said:

You have my signature guarantee that every free training is a complete, in-depth, and valuable training in and of itself.

No obnoxious infomercials that disrespect your time. That’s a guarantee that I’ve never ever compromise.

Most of what I offer is free. By a long shot.

Besides the self-promoty component, my other win is knowing that these trainings will serve you.

Working in creative fields is crazy difficult, emotionally and economically.

If I can ease and improve your work  – that’s a win for both of us. Any time you receive support – that’s a win for everyone.

I believe in artists. The world needs you, your creativity, your work. Societies organized around profits rather than human needs don’t support artists. My life will be richer – in the real sense of that word – playing a part in helping you.

Thank you for joining me. And thank you for finding the courage to live a creative life.

Ela Thier

Any time you receive support – that's a win for everyone.

Appreciations of Tip Tuesday

I write them down and often make the picture you send my wallpaper!

There are tips and techniques that I learned from you ten years ago that I still use daily.

helpful info that I don’t get in my writing class. 

It has gotten me out of ruts.

As always, your Tip Tuesday makes me feel like you’re reading my mind, actually my soul. Thank you for your ever-encouraging words.

They can be inspiring, good reminders, a quick pep talk and are encouraging.
Motivating and makes me feel like I am not alone.


Tip Tuesday seems to work for me. I’m often inspired to get off email and get back to work. 

Topical and informative.

Thank you so much for Tip Tuesdays! …they really kick me in the butt to stop procrastinating and remember that I love writing!

Educational, informative and always motivating and inspiring.
They encourage me to keep fighting for my dream of being a filmmaker.

All the information you provide is relevant. 

They’re concise yet meaty and they leave me percolating with inspiration. 

I like the advice and your personal voice. It feels like getting an inspiring mail from a friend.

Thank you Ela. Your tips are always appreciated, always helpful, and always right on time. 

Your Tip Tuesdays are something I look forward to each week!

As a novice screenwriter and actress I find all of them useful. I gain insight on things I may have never considered.

Interesting insights on the industry.
The knowledge is so vast and widespread.

It feels like you’re the long lost friend (I never had) from my film school days. The encouraging words of your emails have awoken me from the heavy slumber of motherhood… Thanks for your tips, tricks and megaton of inspiration!

This [tip] really grabbed me and moved me! …As a registered nurse in isolation, I use Facebook as a means to promote healing, and you provided some powerful insights …Thank you more than I can express!

You’re shining your light, and making it okay for others to shine theirs.

You know what you’re talking about and you get to the point.

I appreciate your practical wealth of knowledge and sense of humor.

Valuable information that may be difficult to find.

They motivate the s#it out of me. Some days I just go back to reread them because I need a little sugar😊😊


I so look forward to your Tuesday Tips. You seem to read my mind. You often make me cry – which makes me happy! Better to feel than be a stone.
You and the rest of the IFS staff have given me so many free tools, tips and kindness to keep pushing forward as an artist when some of the world thinks I am living a pipe dream at my age. Thank you for believing in me Ela. It means more than you may know. – MIKE SZAJKO
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